
My story

For over two decades, I have directed, produced, and edited video productions for brands and media organizations. In that span of time, my experience and expertise has centered around two distinct methods of storytelling: broadcast journalism and documentary.

Video Director in Baltimore, Washington D.C

As an Emmy-award winning producer and editor at CNN, I produced news and documentary programming that covered politics and current affairs, including Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer and Larry King Live, the channel’s most watched and longest-running program.

In my current role as an agency creative director specializing in branded video and documentary, I create evocative video and storytelling campaigns for brands that seek to foster greater understanding, awareness, and empathy.

My approach

Steve Salvador & Creative Director in Virginia


I apply a journalistic and documentary-based approach to video storytelling, with an emphasis on investigative reporting tactics and first-person narratives. I’m a big believer in the research and development phase of a production, which considers both the art and science of crafting an impactful narrative.

I fully embrace data analytics and insights to probe for compelling storylines, mitigate risk, and measure effectiveness.

I have experience managing creative teams and developing talent. I thrive on collaboration. As an agency creative director responsible for video and brand programming, I’ve led a group of video specialists and strategists within our North America creative studio. The campaigns and major production workstreams that I’ve directed have generated over $1M in revenue annually.

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